Monday, December 19, 2011

#David Kelly - The Conclusion Thursday 10th February, 2011


As human beings we are fascinated by mysteries. They fuel our imaginations and allow us to play detective, and for a while we become Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes.

Where Dr. David Kelly is concerned the majority of us have already decided it was murder or suicide through opinion only. Once these viewpoints are established the positions become entrenched. Few are those who put ego and pre-conceptions aside in pursuit of the truth, and this particularly applies to the serious sleuths at work on the case of Dr. Kelly.

The murder ‘camp’, and the suicide ‘camp’, both excluded facts that would challenge their beliefs, and in so doing failed to probe the areas that were vital to solving the mystery. That said, there are so few real facts around, and misinformation abounds, creating a difficult environment from which to draw a logical conclusion.

At Southend Leaks we’ve been fortunate to receive factual information and eyewitness testimonies which have allowed us to better understand the events surrounding the death of Dr. Kelly. We are in no way ‘Kelly’ aficionados and do not want to become such. In fact we wish to move on as quickly as possible from Dr. Kelly and start releasing data received regarding Southend Borough Council as soon as possible. However please note, we’ve received further material in the last fortnight pertaining to Dr. Kelly and we are currently assessing the content, and may well prepare and release this next month.

Norman Baker became the main depository for Dr. David Kelly information, but the people who went to him failed to realise that Baker's main reason for looking into Dr. Kelly's death was to keep attention firmly focused on Tony Blair and the Labour Government - 'blood on your hands sir'.

Norman Baker is a political animal and stayed true to his nature through his enquiries, his book, his tv appearances, his radio interviews and his newspaper articles. He was not the neutral investigator that many thought he was. This is borne out by Baker's conclusion in his book - that Dr. Kelly's death was probably down to anti-Saddam supporters. This is a convenient way out for Baker. He makes no enemies this way. During his endeavours Baker keeps the idea fresh in the public's mind that Tony Blair was somehow in on the murder, and this helped damage the Labour Party even more. Baker eventually parked his investigation down an unprovable cul-de-sac with the Iraqis conclusion. Clever. However it transpired Baker was not the only information hub in town.

Southend Leaks and its friends had been quietly gathering their own information about the death of Dr. David Kelly through various techniques, and we can assure our readers anti-Saddam Iraqis were not involved.

Dr. David Kelly was not murdered.

As much as some would like to think it so, foul play was not involved.

There is no evidence of murder. There is only evidence pointing to the moving of Dr. Kelly's body at some point, highlighted by inconsistencies in the medical statements. The real crime that took place in sleepy Longworth was the transplanting of Dr. Kelly and this led to an old school type cover up. For this reason the inquest must be reopened and a transparent police investigation has to follow. We demand nothing less.

Dr. Kelly was a proud and honourable man and his work was at the centre of his existence. Only publicly recognised after his death for his contribution to a safer world for all, he always had the respect of his peers. Sadly his world came crashing down around him when his name was released to the press, and the anonymity he'd enjoyed before July 2003 had gone forever. He was trapped in the brilliance of the media spotlight and it was the very worst type of media attention. With his 'outing' the Kellys needed a quiet backwater to stay at away from the reporters, and this was Higher Tresmorn Farmhouse in North Cornwall, run by the de Haans.

By now Dr. Kelly's mind was in turmoil and the events of the 15th, when he appeared before the televised foreign affairs select committee, pushed him closer to the edge.

The following day brought no let up as Dr. Kelly gave evidence to the Intelligence and Security Committee. By then he must have known his old life was no more. It was gone and never coming back. The events of the last seven days had made Dr. Kelly consider if life was worth living, and sadly he decided it was not. However to carry out the suicide Dr. Kelly had one major problem. For a while he’d known he was being watched by local Special Branch, resulting in the monitoring of his communications and the following of his movements.

On the day of his death Dr. Kelly made sure he was seen to be as upbeat as possible, which can't have been easy for the poor man. Emails carried some positivity, but less easy to control was his visual demeanour. Whether, as he left his house for the last time that afternoon, he was fully intent on taking his own life or not we can never know, but he took with him that which would not arouse suspicion.

Dr. Kelly was followed on his final walk by a Special Branch officer, albeit at a respectful distance and for this reason did not head directly for Harrowdown Hill. He took his 'tail' on a roundabout route across the fields to the east of the hill before entering the woods of Harrowdown from the footpath just over the crown, where the path starts to drop down towards the Thames. In the thicket he gave his 'tail' the slip and escaped down the western side of the hill. He disappeared into the surrounding countryside and was later discovered in an outbuilding belonging to one of the many farms in the area.

We are not privy to which one.

The decision was made to move Dr. Kelly to another location because of the sensitivity surrounding the outbuilding. And so he was moved to Harrowdown Hill. A cover up was initiated to protect certain individuals in the Longworth area. Special Branch went along with the cover up because they knew it would be humiliating if the truth about their bungling surveillance came out, and at the time there was pressure to scale back on Special Branch activity at local level. There was little the establishment could do in the days after the initial cover up other than go along with it. After all no one had been killed, only a handful of people were privy to events, Mrs Kelly was on board as she was able to protect the de Haans, and Special Branch were untainted. It therefore comes as no surprise that many connected to the sad event went on to be rewarded in their professional careers.

Norman Baker did get one thing right though - it was most certainly a strange death.
To Mrs. Kelly and her family we extend our genuine sympathies. Your husband was a fine man who was treated abominably by dishonourable 'men' in the Government.